Tuesday, 15 July 2014

July 14 - Day 40 - The Bruce

Somehow arriving back on the Bruce Peninsula was like arriving home from another country, as strange as that seems, it was true for me.  Chi Cheemaun delivered us safely to shore, and it was only a short tiddle down Hwy 6 to our overnight camp in Tobermory.  In the back of my mind, I knew it was one more night in the trailer and I would be home.
Tobermory Village is a model for all other campgrounds to follow when it comes to organization, cleanliness, facilities, and services.  Truly a great family campground, and really well done.

The ride for the day was scheduled to Owen Sound, so not a huge distance, and we planned to get off Hwy 6 for a time and enjoy some of the great riding on the side roads down the peninsula.  I must admit I have never explored this part of the Bruce, but will go back based on what we saw today.  There are absolutely gorgeous bays all along the eastern shore of the peninsula, and a number of small towns that are well worth a visit.  Our first stop was in Lionshead after about an hour and a half on the bikes, and it was a really nice town with a quaint main street and waterfront park only a block away.

Just north of Lionshead......beautiful bay.....check out the clear water

I stopped and grabbed a coffee + rice crispy square at Rachels Cafe, then headed down for a look at the water and marina where Sid had docked his boat for two years some time ago.  

Rachels Cafe, Lionshead

We were back on the road again with another stop scheduled in Wiarton, not too far away.  John W was doing what he said he would do, and was pulling out front for Sid and I, and stayed there the whole day, maintaining great pace over the rolling terrain.  He has been fantastic since joining us in the Soo and bringing some new energy to the group.  Coming into Wiarton was a very steep hill, that I believe registered the highest grade on the trip so far at 10+......can't be 100% sure without checking stats, but just thankful it was a short one.  The Bill's had established mobile base camp on the Wiarton shore , and with the smell of burgers and fries emanating from the restaurant in the park, it was hard to resist settling in for some lunch........we didn't fight the urge........I had the cheeseburger w/bacon combo.  I did have to go over and pay my respects at the Wiarton Willy memorial, and kicked a couple of mouthy kids off the statue so I could get a clear picture for y'all.

It is interesting, as a Scotsman, to think that something named Willie could actually come out of hiding look for its shadow, then determine if winter was over or not.  To think that his Willie could actually cast a shadow would be enough for many a Scotsman to agree to languish in perpetual winter, or for that matter, die a happy man right on the spot.

After leaving Wiarton we decided that the new asphalt on Hwy 6 was just too good to resist, and we followed it all the way into Owen Sound.  Heading to the hospital, where we would start the ride tomorrow, we encountered the new highest grade hill of the trip at 12%+.  Gut buster, but again short and manageable.

I wish I had taken a picture, but the Bill's were already at the hospital with the trailer parked roadside, canopy deployed, and chairs set out for the arriving cyclists.  Classic.  Kathie was there to meet her honey, and it wasn't long before we stored our bikes in the foundation offices, packed up and headed HOME.  

First night in my own bed since June 3...........



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