Wednesday, 18 June 2014

June 18 - Day 15 - Moving Swiftly

There is only one way to ride into Swift Current, Saskatchewan........."Swiftly", and I think we might have done just that.  Leaving Maple Creek this morning in a downpour, we were not sure what the day would bring, whether it would be a repeat of yesterdays wind tunnel experiment, or some other devious test Mother Nature had dreamed up.  To our surprise, the wind was almost non-existent, and being impervious to rain in my new jacket, we ploughed forward into the storm, turning our tired legs as fast as they would allow.

 I'm ready........bring it on

Sid set a great pace and we completed the morning two hour stint covering 50km.  After another flat rear tire (shit I must be heavy in the back end), I rejoined the crew in Tompkins, gulped down a cuppa joe  KitKat, handful of trail mix, banana, 1/2 apple, 1/3 Cliff Bar, stick of gum, and was back on the road.  Surprisingly any wind there was seemed to be with us.........score.........turned on the jets, and Sid and I averaged over 30km/hr for the next hour, even with Sid's second flat of the trip, in the front end this time, so quick and easy fix.  The rest of the day was really about maintaining speed, even though we sacrificed some rpm's on cadence, turning the big gears for a change was a lot of fun and seemed to work out there.  I think I was in the big ring virtually all day except for a couple of hills when I was feeling......ya know.........  Total distance today was 138km, and our average speed was something just over 25km/hr........for a couple of old guys, I think that is moving "Swiftly"

After a hard day at the office

Today was a scheduled day off for us in Maple Creek, but riding through to Swift Current gives us larger centre to peruse tomorrow, and I think we positioned ourselves well regarding weather which seems to be at its worst to the west of us.  Looking forward to not wearing the dorky rain pants on Friday when we hit the road again.  I will blog again tomorrow from downtown Swift Current, as I now can't stand a day without all of you.

Makes sense to me.........I think

We met an interesting guy today at the campground, Dutch, who flew to Calgary, bought himself a bicycle (at Salvation Army I think), some pannier's and a tent, and is planning to ride to Toronto.  Wish I had taken a picture in the parking lot.......garbage bags on the feet, and over the torso, crazy fishing hat........takes all kinds, and he will probably make it.  Sid blew up his tires for him.

OK, short story today, but promising a complete expose on downtown Swift Current........we have been invited to the Akropol (local Greek restaurant) to watch the World Cup.......Opa!!!!!!......cheers y'all......Hugh

I don't know......just because


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