Monday, 23 June 2014

June 23 - Day 20 - Manitoba Bound

Waking in Whitewood this morning, I knew I was not have another cold shower before dressing for the day.  An extra layer of pit juice was going to have to do the trick until camp tonight where we hope to have both hot showers and wifi.  Good news, we are here and have both!  We didn't make it all the way to Brandon as we might have hoped, spending the night in Virden, MANITOBA, and that still means another province is in the books, we loose another hours sleep tonight, and we are one province closer to you.  We clocked 109km today, so nothing outstanding.  Sid took a commanding lead in the flat tire category, replacing one this morning before we even hit the road, and also threw on a new back tire, for a 7-4 lead, but I took one in the chops this afternoon and now trail Sid 7-5.

 Standing on a wall, not a platform, thought I was going down for sure

I must say I have been looking for blog inspiration while riding across southern Alberta and most of Saskatchewan.  I think the problem is that there is just so much of it, and it all looks the same, so it gets boring after a while.  The people we have met along the way are fantastic, and the friendliest bunch you would ever want to meet.........not that Sid and I are hard to talk to mind you.

Signing off for the day.......hitting the sack, and hopefully on the road early tomorrow, with a better chance of missing the afternoon showers.  Goodnight everyone......many thanks for tuning in.  Hugh

One parting shot from Sid......this is me changing #5.........

Who wouldn't talk to this cuddly bear?

Stay between the lines......the lines are your friends

Agriculture is big business on the prairies


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